Parison Technology Products

Parison Technology Solutions

Parison customize solutions support the growing market needs for fine-pitch with high performance. Parison products and solutions are delivered to international clients from China, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan and United States of America.

Parison provides customise design and fabrication of complete set of Test Socket Solution for Flexible Circuit.

Parison provides customise design C-Pin Test Socket for various test requirements.

Parison C-Pin Kelvin Contactor is designed to withstand high current and high volume production.

Parison Vertical Probe Handler Socket is exclusively designed to cater for mass production. It incorporates a Vertical C-Pin Contactor that will provide high test yield and is able to withstand high current up to 15Amp.

Parison provides customise design Test Socket for manual test handler.

Parison provides test sockets for pick & place handlers and gravity feed handlers.